Friday, 8 January 2010

When different worlds interact with one another!

I have noticed that in life we come across many different people who ALL live differently and live in different worlds.I have noticed that my world is constantly changing.When ever I interact with another person I interact with how they perceive their world.I feel they to interact with my world.
Have you ever noticed how when you speak to one person you will feel one way and than when you speak to another you feel another. Why? well simple their energy around them,how they talk and how they see things affects the 'feel' and 'vibe' you get from them.
I wonder whether I am extremely sensitive to people? But the more I think about it I am starting to think it has something to do with the way they perceive the world they live in.I remember one women once saying to me 'BUT ALL MEN ARE THE SAME' that really struck a cord in me,she said it with such conviction!
I felt furious with her,'how dare she have such an opinion?!" I have not spoken to her since,I realise the way she perceives the world is very different from mine.I don't like her world,in fact I hate it.When I look in to her world,it looks so gloomy.
Due to that experience, I am starting to realize I can not tolerate every one.It may sound narrow minded to some,but I only want to mix with people who have a brighter view of the world.
The more I am getting to know 'me' I realize I can not take on everyone else's perceptions.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Reflections on the year...

Although Islamically speaking the new year for Muslims is after the big Eid,I could not help myself but restart reflecting on the past year.I say restart because I do it each year after the big Eid.Each year I write down the things I would like to achieve than I look back at it and see how much I have done.
My neighbor's were up last night waiting for the fireworks to come on the TV screen and to be honest I could not help but sit down and watch that Big Ben hit twelve so I can see the spectacular fireworks show.
I sat up and my mind started to think about the past year.This years Ramdhan was the best I have ever experienced spiritually.The past year was also a sad year,I struggled much and I was searching within myself to find strength,never the less Ramadhan was a turning point for me ,my flat mate moved in with me,I ended friendships that were not benefiting me,I started my counselling course which I look forward to attending each week.The year started of as a struggle,but than ended well.
This is the year were I will turn twenty five,age has started to become a number for me. my life has started to consist of hours,minutes and seconds.Nothing is worth my pain.I even stuck a note on my wall 'STOP thinking,DO IT NOW!' every time I start to 'think' I stop and just start to put action in to practice.
I even mapped my life out, to get me to focus better,I mapped out all the things I want to achieve,in bright colored felt tip pens :) ( I could not help the felt tip pens).I want to die knowing I did my BEST.I pray Allah takes my soul and I am in the best state,ameen.